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AMS's medical cylinders can be divided into two types of certificates; one is DOT-3AL/TC-3ALM, and another is DOT/TC-UN(ISO7866), which is also acknowledged by TC. Both of them are inspected and approved by our Independent Inspection Agency (IIA), Cylinder Service Inspection (CSI).

Product Service
Diameter Length Weight Oxygen Capacity Certification
psi bar ci ltr in mm in mm lbs kgs cubic
feet (ft³)
(ISO 7866)
M32 3000 207 250 4.10 4.4 111.3 25.5 648 11.1 5.00 32.0 906 v v
M20 3000 207 159 2.60 4.4 111.3 16.8 427 7.5 3.40 20.0 566 v v
M12 3000 207 92 1.50 4.4 111.3 10.8 275 5.1 2.30 12.0 340 v v
M7.8 3000 207 61 1.00 4.4 111.3 7.9 200 3.8 1.70 7.8 221 v v
M300 2216 153 3234 53.00 10.0 254.0 56.9 1445 101.7 46.10 300.0 8495 v v
M285 2216 153 3063 50.20 10.0 254.0 54.0 1372 97.1 44.00 285.0 8070 v v
M269 2216 153 2900 47.50 10.0 254.0 51.4 1305 93.3 42.30 269.0 7617 v v
M265 2216 153 2832 46.40 10.0 254.0 50.4 1280 91.5 41.50 265.0 7503 v v
M238 2216 153 2563 42.00 10.0 254.0 46.1 1170 83.6 37.90 238.0 6739 upcoming upcoming
M227 2216 153 2440 40.00 10.0 254.0 44.1 1120 80.0 36.30 227.0 6428 upcoming upcoming
M150C 2015 139 1764 28.90 8.0 203.2 47.2 1200 54.3 24.59 150.0 4248 v v
M90 2216 153 958 15.70 7.3 184.2 32.7 830 32.7 14.90 90.0 2548 v v
M60 2216 153 641 10.50 7.3 184.2 23.0 585 23.1 10.50 60.0 1699 v v
M33 2216 153 360 5.90 6.9 175.0 15.5 395 13.8 6.25 33.7 954 v v v v
ME 2015 139 281 4.60 4.4 111.3 25.4 645 8.1 3.66 24.0 680 v v
MD 2015 139 174 2.85 4.4 111.3 16.7 424 5.6 2.52 15.0 425 v v
M10 2015 139 122 2.00 4.4 111.3 12.5 318 4.1 1.90 10.0 292 v v v v
M9 2015 139 104 1.70 4.4 111.3 10.9 278 3.6 1.70 9.0 255 v v v v
M7 2015 139 85 1.40 4.4 111.3 9.5 240 3.2 1.45 7.0 198 v v v v
M6 2216 153 61 1.00 3.2 81.3 11.8 300 2.3 1.02 6.0 170 v v v v
M6L 2015 139 73 1.20 4.4 111.3 8.4 214 2.9 1.30 6.0 170 v v v v
M4 2216 153 43 0.70 3.2 81.3 8.5 216 1.7 0.80 4.0 113 v v v v
M2L 2216 153 23 0.37 3.2 81.1 5.3 135 1.2 0.50 2.0 64 upcoming upcoming

Thread Size: (Ask for detail)

  • 1"-14 UNS
  • 5/8"-18 UNF
  • 3/4"-16 UNF
  • 1 1/8"-12 UNF
  • 3/4"-14 NGT
  • 25E / M18


GC*: AMS Global Cylinder®

  • One cylinder certified for three regions/countries
  • Cylinders are manufactured in according with ISO standards
  • Aluminum cylinders are manufactured in according with ISO 7866
  • Composite cylinders are manufactured in according with ISO 11119-2
  • Canada: Acknowledge for UN-USA Approval
  • Europe: UN, π
  • UK: UN, ρ
  • Other countries on request

last update: 2017/10/20